activity in india

The formal merchant banking activity in india was originated in “Merchant Banking” has its origin in the trading methods of countries in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century when trade-taking place was financed by bill of exchange drawn by merchanting houses. At that time the merchants were merely financing their own activities. As international trade grew and other lesser-known names wanted to import goods from abroad, the established merchants ‘lent their names’ to the newcomers by agreeing to accept bills of exchange on their behalf.

The applicant should not have been involved in any securities scam or proved guilt for any offer. The applicant should be a body corporate and should have a minimum net worth of Rs.5 crores.


The sole objective of these merchant bankers was profit maximisation by making investments in risky projects. A1) It is an institution that trades in underwriting, business loans for companies, advice on mergers & acquisitions, and international finance. They also offer consultancy to its clients in various areas such as marketing, financial, managerial, etc.

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Derivatives financial instruments are also be added to the market shortly. The number of firms listed on the Indian Stock Exchange is more than the USA. Market Capitalization of listed firms is 1980s was similar to Brazil, Malaysia, Singapore and Denmark. Merchant Banking in India has enhanced the ease of doing business, because of which they have gained a considerable position in the market.


To produce products and/or services more efficiently than possible domestically. To provide an expected risk-adjusted return in excess of that required. Forfaiting is a means of financing used by exporters that enables them to receive cash immediately by selling their medium-term receivables at a discount. Securitization is the financial practice of pooling various types of contractual debt such as……….. Leasing is a process by which a firm can obtain the use of certain fixed assets for which it must pay a series of contractual, periodic, tax-deductible payments. Leasing is an alternative to purchase that’s used for apartments and houses, automobiles and light trucks, and many types of equipment and machinery.

Formal merchant banking activity in India was originated in

The merchant banker primarily came into being as corporate counsellors for restructuring base of capital, thereafter for issue management and underwriting of the same. However, there are certain limitations that would need to be overcome for the practice area to flourish. Merchant bankers are only allowed to deal with issue related activities which restricts their scope of activities. Their involvement should be widened for them to develop adequate expertise to provide a full range of merchant banking activities. SEBI regulations also stipulate a very high capital adequacy requirement not allowing smaller firms or individuals to undertake merchant baking activities despite having the required level of expertise. A lot of time there is also non-cooperation and default at a client’s end who rarely have to face repercussions of the same while the merchant banker may suffer a blow to his reputation.

Firstly they analyse the pattern of the client’s cash flows, based on which the terms of borrowings can be defined. Then the merchant banker prepares a detailed loan memorandum, which is circulated to various banks and financial institutions and they are invited to participate in the syndicate. The banks then negotiate the terms of lending based on which the final allocation is done. Merchant bankers play a varied role in an acquisition ranging from acting as an advisor or consultant to a full-fledged issue manager. Scope of their functions is extremely wide as ‘advising’ and ‘consulting’ can involve so many activities.

Provide Venture Capital and Mezzanine Financing –

Now 50 million potential investors are deprived of official and authentic information given by the Issuer. It is hard to understand reasons for this drastic and totally uncalled for action. While there has been no official explanation for this fiat, there is reason to believe that it may be based on a wrong perception of the role for corporate advertising. In recent past, the small investor lost his faith in the primary capital market. Issue after issue has failed to capture his imagination, rekindle his enthusiasm, and reinforce his faith. He has lost all hopes of appreciation of his investment.

  • The foreign investments need the services Merchant Banks for project appraisal, financial management, financial re-structuring, etc.
  • The US investments Banks have extended their operations to the international level.
  • In 2006 deal activity was largely restricted to the IT and Telecom sectors.
  • Today a merchant banker is who has the ability to merchandise that is, create or expand a need and fulfill capital requirements.
  • As international trade grew and other lesser-known names wanted to import goods from abroad, the established merchants ‘lent their names’ to the newcomers by agreeing to accept bills of exchange on their behalf.

They help their clients even in perceiving the idea of project. A conceptualization of an idea is followed by undertaking the feasibility studies to ensure viability of the perceived project idea. Organizing the complicated investment proposals and implementation thereof, which involve activities like detailed financial analysis, deal negotiation, transaction execution, etc.

Advantages of Merchant Banking

They do not accept deposits for their safekeeping, and pay interest thereon. “Banking Company” means any transacts the business company which of banking . Dictionary meaning of ‘merchant bank’ refers to an organization that underwrites corporate securities and advises such clients on issues like corporate mergers, etc. involved in the ownership of commercial ventures. institutions are the intermediaries which facilitate smooth functioning of the financial system by ……….. The stabilization component in the 90’s was aimed at reducing the balance of payment deficit. The steps were towards reducing the rate of fiscal growth, monetary tightening and curbing the excess demand on Indian foreign exchange reserves, which was supported by devaluation of India currency. In November 2009, India purchased 200 tonnes of gold valued at Rs $6.7 billion from the International Monetary Fund . RBI bought nearly half of the gold sold by IMF under the latter’s limited gold sales programme. In 1991, when India faced its worst ever balance of payment crisis, it had no alternative but to pledge 67 tonnes of gold to the Union Bank of Switzerland and Bank of England to raise a loan of $605 million.

Such expert advice may relate to the securities underwriting, stock and bond trading, mergers and acquisitions, private equity placements, corporate restructuring, syndication of loans, pricing of securities, etc. The need for specialized merchant banking services was felt in India with the rapid growth in the number and size of the issues made in the primary market. The merchant banking services were started by foreign banks, namely the National Grindlays Bank in 1967 and the City Bank in 1970. The Banking Commission in its report in 1972 recommended the setting up of merchant banking institutions.

Interim report – GOV.UK

Interim report.

Posted: Wed, 26 Jan 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Underwriting/ management of debt securities such as debentures and share capital is one of the most important functions of a merchant banker. The merchant banks act as middlemen between the issuer of debt securities and individual or institutional investors and assists the companies in raising funds from the market. Merchant banks evaluate the value of the business and the number of shares or debentures is to be issued.

The site offers no paid services and is funded entirely by advertising. It is in the context of fast increasing economy and a liberalized and deregulated atmosphere that the growth of the Indian Stock Market activities has to be viewed. The markets have registered a quantum jump judge by any standards. The first authoritative definition for the term ‘Merchant Banker’ has been given in the Rule 2 of SEBI Rules, 1922. This is only a suggestive and not an exhaustive list of the services that the Merchant Banks provide to a wide variety of clients.

Career in International

Is a financial intermediary who helps to mobilize and transfer capital from those who possess it to those who need it. The assisted venture units become commercially operational. Project counselling which includes credit-syndication and the working capital.


The retail network purely depends on networking with investors. Merchant Bankers are classified into 4 categories as shown in the above table according to their nature and range of activities and their responsibilities to SEBI, investors and issuers of securities. The minimum net worth and initial authorization fee depends on the category. The first category comprises merchant bankers who carry on any activity of issue management, determining financial structure, tie-up of financiers, advisor or consultant to an issue, portfolio manager and underwriter.


Oftentimes, merchant bankers identify assets/undertakings that are being offered for sale, they find potential buyers, negotiate prices and oversee the entire transaction. However, merchant bank is the agency at the apex level, who plans, coordinates and controls the entire issue activity and directs different agencies to contribute to the successful marketing of securities. Project appraisal is considered as one of the most important services offered by a merchant bank. It includes preparation of project report, taking a final view with regard to the financing pattern for meeting the cost of the project, and approaching the financial institutions with project report for their consideration for granting loans. With the advent of the industrial boom in India, there has been a growing need of Merchant Bankers. Businesses often require specialised banking services which are concentrated in nature.

Making arrangements for the placements of capital and debt instruments with investments institutions. As the India market is among the largest growing market so the various domestic and foreign investors are entering the market for doing business. The various types public and private problems are also arising. As part of their role as ‘issue managers’, they are responsible for getting the data in respect of the application money collected at various branches of banks on a day-to-day basis. With the advent of SEBI, an organisation that was brought into existence to guard the interest of the small investor, hopes ran high that the small investor would now have a safe playing field.

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